Regions News Update Tensions are very high between the Gharri and the OPDO’s region supported neighboring ethnic Oromos. In the past few weeks, the Oromo region administrators have deployed the Borana herders to settle on the Gharri Land to create several locations and sub locations in order to legitimize newly created districts in the area. However, the Gharri leaders and the peasants’ relentless efforts and alertness have prevented the Oromo land grabbers from succeeding. The Gharri people have legal obligations to defend
their land, dignity, and uphold their destiny. Also, it is gratifying to
see that they carried it out in a respectful, legally permissible and
rewarding fashion that fenced out the perpetrators. Moyale,
According to report received from Moyale, over four hundred families have lost their precious property under the eminent domain law. Those landowners have not been compensated for their loses. Although, it sounds cruel and unusual punishment, the law dose permits the government to seize a private land or property for public use to build schools, offices, roads, as well as for private use, in order to raise tax revenues. However, if the private lands to be seized for private use, then the landowners to be compensated for their land up to fair market value.
We hope that the
Moyale administrators should be careful not to abuse the law.
private residential properties shouldn’t be seized in order to benefit
other private entities, especially when the collected tax revenues have not
been used to benefits those communities. Also, priorities must be sought
for those who lost their lands in assigning plots. Mandera
Marehan and Muralle have reached a peace accord. The Muralle’s looted
Camels have been returned to their owners and also, the Muralle clan
have agreed to pay blood money to the Marehana’s individuals that were
killed and others who became disabled as a results of Muralle’s
Barbaric actions.
Victory To The Gharri People, and viva Gharri. You
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