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News Update District,          

 Central Gharri Region News Update Monday Sept.15, 2008  by Gur Gharri GSG News  contributor: The Mandera East DC and Garissa DC have been suspended due to their involvement of current land grabbing war waged against the Gharri people. 

Unusually large numbers of Murale Gunmen have been seen gathering around Gari hill area. So, the GDF are closely monitoring their movement. Also, GSG has learned that the Murale MP’s request for Kenyan military backing was granted by Kenya security personnel and three convoys of Kenyan arm forces were seen passing thru El Wak, on Sept. 13, 2008 heading to Garri Hill.

There is a speculation that they are going to join the Murale bandits as they did earlier at Alango battle ground in which two Administrative police officers and four bandits were killed. Since then, over forty enemy combatants have been killed and many more were wounded as a result of Garri Hill’s fighting. Now, they have been joined by about one hundred and fifty Kenyan military personnel to deter a hostile take over of Garri hill. But, the Gharri Defense Force has confidence to fight against combined forces of Murale bandits, and hired gunmen, to crush them. It was said that the members of the Kenyan arm forces were sent to fight side by side along with Murale bandits to help them achieve their dream of land grabbing. But, our informant stated that the Gharri Defense Force is determined and ready to defend their land and fight against any organized criminal regardless of their uniforms and or dress code. He added that it will be a grave mistake if the Kenyan military personnel’s are used to fight against the Gharri people of Wargadud, Sukella Tinfa, Qura Muddow, and Sotowa Oro.

According to the latest report from Mandera and El Wak, the Murales are pushing for the last major assaults against the Gharri people and hope to drive off the Gharri people from El Wak and Mandera. So, a major war could start at any moments.

We will let you know as soon as latest information becomes available.

 Monday Sept. 15, 2008  by Gur Gharri GSG News  contributor:


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